Sunday, May 18, 2014

Spring Snow

Watching Mean Girls aka when Lindsey Lohan used to look normal.

I can't believe it's snowing in May! Go home Colorado, you're drunk.The white stuff came down all day Sunday (Mother's Day) and continued through today. Thank god the sun came out and remedied the slush that was collecting all over the roads. I did not wear the right shoes for this occasion. Today was the first day of work without my trusty coworker and lunch sidekick, Emily. She just had her baby last Thursday (May 8th)! Little Zoey Quinn McNail. Mother and babe will be resting at home for the next six weeks or so. On Saturday, I found out another friend of mine is having a little boy at the end of the summer.This news was a surprise for them but they have embraced their new adventure with enthusiasm. I'm happy for them.

I want to try a few new things. We have so many DVDs to the point that we can't remember if we already own a movie when we're out shopping (if anyone wants an copy of Role Models we've got an extra. A movie so nice we bought it twice!) So I told myself that when I'm home chillin' and I get a hankering to watch something I will turn to our ever inviting bookshelf turned DVD shelf and choose from there. At first the idea seemed a little redundant. I have these DVDs or Blu-rays because they are movies that I have seen and loved so much that I had to have them at my disposal. But Netflix and Hulu are slowly taking away the urgency of getting a movie as soon as it hits the shelves and at the same time almost proves more convenient than finding the movie I feel like watching, taking it out of the case, putting it in the PS3 or Xbox 360, setting the TV to the right channel, and then starting the movie.

Joe was supposed to create a catalog that we could access on our phones to more easily determine what we already owned but he has yet to finish that. But no worries, for now I'll just turn over each movie to indicate what I have and have yet to watch. I wonder how long it will take me to get through our whole collection...